We've all experienced the loss of a loved one through death, I'm sure. And if you haven't yet, you will. Death is inevitable. Everyone will experience it at one point or another, unless Christ returns first. I've lost many friends and loved ones in my life, but instead of blaming God, I drew strength from Him.
What's the difficult thing about grief and morning? We want someone to take it away or something to numb it away. We look to someone for love to take away the pain of our loss. Sometimes we turn to drugs and alcohol to ease and numb away the pain. But in the end, that only makes it worse. The self help books say that mourning is healthy. Physcologists reason that it's necessary.
The only way to the other side is through. The difficulty is that the only path to the other side is having to go through--through the pain, through the heartache, through the tears. We must go through-not above, not over, not under-but through. God will help us through. It's Through the Fire that our weakness is made strong. It's Through the Fire that we overcome. If God brought us out-straight out of everything that we faced or will face in this life, we wouldn't be where we are and who we are today. Also we wouldn't move forward in this life, we wouldn't grow in the Lord. We would remain weak. It's through things we become strong.
Eventually we just have to give it up and give in to mourning, the emptiness of knowing that we can't recover our lost lives or lost loved ones or lost dreams. We have to look straight into our agony and stop trying to avoid it. We have to hold up our sorrow, remember what was, and accept what's gone, and cry. We have to let it all out and not hold it in. Holding it in makes it worse.
When we grieve, sometimes we think that God is far away. But in reality, God is actually closer than ever! When our soul aches and our heart mourns over our loved ones, we must remember that we're not alone. We are being held and healed by God. We must believe what we can't concieve and trust that God will help us through this time of grieving over the ones we love.
I've lost several people, near and dear to me. I lost my mom and several family members and friends. I know how it feels to lose someone you love. I lost my mom my Senior year in high school. That was a tough season for me, and God helped me through it. Yes, there's times that I will wake up in the morning and think of her and start to cry. It's okay to cry. It's okay to grieve. Time does heal. It's rough after you lose someone so close to you, but God is right there, holding your hand, and He'll get you through it. When you face a tough situation, you have 2 choices: 1)Run and hide and try and avoid it or 2) Give it to God, praise Him despite what's going on and trust Him to help you through. I pray you choose to give it to God. If you need someone to talk to, we are here for you. We will listen, pray, talk, whatever you need. God's the same way. He's ready to hear from you. I pray that this helps someone. I know it has me. As I mentioned in my last blog I lost a close friend of mine on the 26th of April of this year. God is helping me through this and He wants to help you as well. Will you let Him?
God Bless,