Key Verse

Isaiah 60:1- Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you-rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of hte Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! (Amplified Version)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Memorial Writing for Chassidy

I tried copying and pasting this on Facebook, but for some reason it was messing up.  But here's what I wrote in memory of Chassidy, my dear friend.

In just five years as a Christian, Chassidy has changed the lives of many people for Christ. She’s brought many to Christ, and on a personal note here, she’s taught me a lot in the past seven months that I’ve known her.

I met Chassidy online after her friend, showed her our Arise Ministries Facebook page. She contacted me and shared her awesome testimony of how God turned her life around. She wanted to get involved in the ministry and help out, and so she did. She would contact me at least once a week and we became like sisters. She shared a lot of her “talks” with me, as I did my own with her. She has prophesied over my life as well as my church and I’ve seen them come to pass, and I am waiting for the others to be fulfilled. She’s such an amazing young woman and I’m so glad God placed us in each other’s pathway-I like to call them Divine Appointments.

I’ve grown so much in my walk with God since knowing her. Although we’ve never met face to face, except by webcam, and I’ve only known her for seven months, I feel like I’ve known her my entire life. From the first email, we clicked-we connected to one another. She knew just the right time to call me, skype me, or email me. I didn’t have to say a word, she knew what I was dealing with or what I had on my mind. She also knew what God was wanting me to do, and told me to step into it and have no fear.

When I heard of Chassidy’s death, I was heart broken. I questioned God, “Why? Why her? Why now?” I said, “God You’ve taken my best friend, the one who understands me like none other, besides you. God You’ve taken my helper in this ministry that You’ve called me into.

I’ve lost a lot of people near and dear to me and I know the pain of loosing someone close to you. And other than my mom’s passing in 2000, this is the hardest. I feel so blessed having known her--but at the same time I feel hurt because it was such a short time. But instead of dwelling on all the unanswered questions that run through my mind, I dwell on the life she led for Christ. I dwell on the fact that she ran a race for Christ and finished it and made her Heavenly Father so proud of her. (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Chassidy has touched so many lives. She had many Divine Appointments. Many people crossed her path and she made an impact on each and every one of them. I feel in my heart, that even though she’s gone from this life, her legacy will live on and does in the lives of those she has impacted for Christ. When she passed from this life I feel God said, “Well done, My daughter! You did what I called you to do.” (Matthew 25:21) God was and is so proud of His little girl. She has fulfilled her purpose in this life.

The LOVE of God drew Chassidy to Christ. Chassidy, in turn showed love to others. Love drew them to her, which led them to the Ultimate LOVE-GOD!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Past Your Past

I know it's been a while since I posted on the blog.  I usually post on Facebook, but I'm taking a break from it for a while.  I will however, share this on Facebook because I know some of you really need this and I feel in my heart that it's needed.  I pray that all is well with everyone.  If you need someone to talk to, we are here for you.  You can email us confidentially at or call us at 573-421-5024 and we will be glad to talk to you, pray with you, or just listen.

Past Your Past-

I've started this plan on reading the Bible in 90 days and as I'm doing this I'm taking notes as well.  I came across this one Scripture and God poured a lot of thoughts that I pray helps you.  It's amazing how when you read and one little verse speaks to your heart and you are flooded with so many thoughts to share with others as well as yourself. 

Joshua 5:9- Then the Lord said to Joshua, "As slaves in Egypt you were ashamed, but today I  have removed that shame." So Joshua named that place Gilgal, which it is still named today. (NCV-New Century Version)

Egypt means Bondage.  You can be in bondage to many things: drugs, alcohol, depression, the list goes on. God doesn't want us to be held up in bondage when He has given us a way out.  He provided His Son, Jesus as a way out.  He sent His Son, Jesus to die on the cross for all of the many things that try to keep us bound down and in bondage.  But when we accept Christ and ask Him for forgiveness we are set free!

John 8:34: Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, everyone who lives in sin is a slave to sin." (NCV)
John 8:36: "So if the Son makes you free, you will be truly free!" (NCV)

In the King James Version it says "free indeed" And whom the Son sets free is FREE INDEED!  Notice it doesn't say might be, could be, should be, it says we ARE FREE INDEED!

The Israelites had come out of Egypt (the place) yet in their hearts they still had the shame of living in Egypt and being slaves to Pharoah.

God had to address their past failures which they held onto and, for some it had affected thier courage to be strong and courageous.  God had to also address their self-image and confidence because they had this dark cloud of shame which cast a shadow over many of them.  Sound familiar to you?  Maybe you feel the same way.  Are you holding on to past hurts and past failures?  Have you lost passion for life?  Do you feel that no one loves you or cares about you?  Are you curled up in a corner somewhere, hiding from everyone in fear of being hurt?  I've been there too!  We all have at one point or another. 

The Israelites I'm sure faced the enemy, Satan.  I'm sure he placed doubts in their minds as he did Adam and Eve in the Garden, "Did God really say that?  Did God really forgive you?  Is God really with you?" He does the same to us, but we must stop him in his tracks and put him back where he belongs, UNDER OUR FEET!  When thoughts come to my mind, I do what the Bible says to do take every thought captive, and put it under the blood. (2 Corinthians 10:5) We aren't to dwell on our past, on negative things, and things that will bring us down.  We are to dwell on positive thoughts.  Instead of speaking negative things like, "I know I'm going to get a bad report...but" Instead of saying that, let's say, "I'm claiming healing in Jesus' name and no matter what God, I know You have everything in control and You are still my God!"  Speak things as though they were!

Romans 4:17-  (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. (KJV-King James Version)

Sometimes because of our past, we blame ourselves and we hold ourselves back with thoughts of future failure. As I mentioned earlier, I've been there.  I know.  I use to blame myself and bring myself down about EVERYTHING, you can ask my family and my church family. God knew what I was going through. And I am so grateful for all the many people God has placed in my life along the way to help me on my journey.  God knew I needed someone to snap me back into reality and that's what happened. Some of you know this story but I feel this is for someone out there. I had been batteling with depression for many years.  Very rarely did I have a positive thought, a smile, or any happiness.  One night I went up to the altar and I was at the point of giving up on God, giving up on my family, everything. I felt that no one cared.  I felt I had no reason to live. I even told my Pastor that I was done and I couldn't take it anymore.  He shook me, in love, and told me that I have a family that loves me and cares for me, a church family that does as well, and most of all, God loves me and cares for me.  I have to admit when I came home that night I was so mad, so furious about what had happened. But overnight and the next day the words that God spoke through him, as well as a few others, came flooding into my heart and mind and made me realize, "you know what? They are absolutely right!" From that moment on, I've not been depressed!  Yes, there's been days I've been upset, but there's a difference between being upset and being depressed.

God knows what you've been through, because He's been right there with you!  Our past DOES NOT define us!  It builds our character, yes, by making us stronger.  But it DOES NOT define us!  We are made new!  We are NOT what we have done, we are WHAT WE HAVE OVERCAME! We aren't to keep looking back into our past and looking backward.  We are to step backward but look forward and keep walking toward the future that God has planned for us. 

God doesn't look at your past when you repent and accept Him as Lord of your life.  He will use what you've gone through to help others, if you allow Him to.  But He doesn't hold that over you.  Soemtimes you hold your past over your head and Satan will try his best as well to try to make you feel unworthy and to discourage you and tell you that God hasn't forgiven you and that He won't.  But you must remember that God has.  If you repented with a sincere heart, He has forgiven you.  You are loved by the CREATOR OF EVERYTHING! There's also the issue of forgiving yourself.  God has forgiven you, but you must forgive yourself as well as those who have hurt you.  When you do, I promise you, you will feel much better.  I know I did as well as everyone else I know.  There's nothing quite like the power of forgiveness and getting past your past!  Again, if you need someone to talk to or need prayer, that's why we're here.  Most of all, God is here for you and He loves you!

God Bless,
MaLinda (Minda)

Isaiah 60:1-ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept youo--rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of hte Lord, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! (AMP-Amplified Version)