Key Verse

Isaiah 60:1- Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you-rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of hte Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! (Amplified Version)

Friday, October 22, 2010


What Does The Bible Say About Cutting?

I've been doing some research online about cutting and also in the Word of God AKA the Bible.  Some of what I found may astonish you or upset you, but please know that we only have your best interests at heart.  We only want to help you, but we don't want to sugarcoat this issue either.  I myself dealt with this as a teenager, so I know what each one of you are going through. I want you to know though, you are not alone in this.

So let's begin...

What Does The Bible Say About Cutting-

People in the Bible cut themselves in mourning over a loved one.

Leviticus 19:28

     You shall not make ANY cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor print or tattoo ANY marks upon you; I am the Lord. (Ampilfied Version)

Right here it says in the Word of God (The Bible) NOT Minda says, but God says not to cut.  I watch this show "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman" Okay, I may be  but oh well I love the show.  Anyway, Clouddancing, an indian friend of Dr. Quinn and her husband, Sully, lost his wife, Snowbird and he cut himself in mourning over her.  According to the Bible, we aren't to do that. It's alright to mourn the loss of a loved one, but we must remember them as they were and know that they wouldn't want us to do that to ourselves. They would want us to live our lives and not harm ourselves over their deaths.  I lost my mom when I was a senior, as I've shared before.  And from experience, the pain doesn't completely go away when you lose someone you love, but if you remember all the good times you've had with that person, it becomes easier to move on in life.  My mom would've wanted me to. They would want you to. Instead of cutting yourself or doing something that you shouldn't, please, talk to someone.  We're here to listen to you, if you need to talk. Email us at for our number or include yours in the email. We would be more than happen to try and  help you.  If you attend church, talk to your pastor or someone you can trust.  If you don't, talk to a friend, or a relative in whom you know you can trust.

People in the Bible who were demon possessed cut themselves

Mark 5:5

     Night and day among the tombs and on the mountains he was always shrieking and screaming and beating and bruising and cutting himself with stones. (Amplifed Version)

Let me give you background on the scene here....Jesus was just coming out of the boat, where he met a man of an unclean spirit (demon possessed).  This man lived in the tombs and did all these things.  But Jesus happened to cross his path and he (the man possessed) KNEW Jesus...the demon KNEW Jesus.  And He KNEW what he was doing was WRONG.  And Jesus, we later read on, cast out the demon and the man was FREE!!!  Now I am NOT saying that when you cut you are demon possessed, NO!  But I believe, as I've read and studied upon this, preparing myself to bring this forth, that it DOES open up the door for trouble.  I'll get more into that later.  So hang with me...

Today, self-mutilation (cutting) is rarely used for rituals (mourning) practices or actual demon possession, but instead usually done by teenagers and young adults who have misplaced anger or pain that they are attempting to work out in destructive ways.  Instead of dealing with emotional pain, some people would rather bring themselves physical pain, which actually serves as a relife from that stress, pain, or whatever they may be dealing with.  Unfortunately though, this sense of relief is only temporary and the desire to be self-destructive quickly returns.  In other words, they can't stop becomes an addiction, just as bad as alcohol or drug addictions.

The Bible doesn't talk about self-mutilation in terms of anxiety or depression, but it is very important tha whoever is making a practice of this seeks immediate help.  This behavior seldom, but not always indicates or can lead to drug, alcohol abuse, eating disorders, identity disorders (such as bipolar), and suicidal thoughts or even attempts.

1 Corinthians 6:19

     Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very santuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own. (Amplified Version)

Here we find, that God dwells in us.  His Spirit dwells in our bodies.  So we shouldn't do anything that He doesn't like with our bodies...such as cutting.  We were given our bodies as a GIFT from God to use for HIS Purpose, to bring glory to God from our bodies.  And cutting mars it and it doesn't bring glory to the Lord.  Instead of bringing glory to the Lord, it brings shame to His Name.  If you've done this in the past, or are presently doing it, and you feel it's wrong (which it is, the Bible says it, not me) then all you have to do is repent and ask God to help you.  And when you start to feel you need to cut, remind yourself, "Wait a's says in Your Word God that this is wrong!  I will NOT!  I refuse to do this anymore!  I'm relying on You, Lord for strength!  I'm focusing on You for comfort!  There's NO comfort in cutting at all!  Your Word says, In YOU will I find comfort and shelter!" (Found in various parts of the Bible, mainly Psalm)

Self-mutilation is the result of  an incorrect view of self and our personal value to God.  It says in God's Word, we are fearfully and wonderfully made...Psalm 139:14  God designed us, We're Perfect in His sight!  He made us just the way we are.  A personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a proper understanding of His Love is the Only cure for self-mutilation (cutting).

Because the Bible is TRUTH and the TRUTH has the POWER to sett you FREE, it is the ONLY source to draw from. (John 8:32) and whom the Son sets FREE is FREE INDEED....not partially FREE, ALL THE WAY FREE (John 8:36) 

In every instance that cutting is mentioned it is spoken of in a negative way.

So why is cutting wrong? 

1. It's against God and EVERYTHING He stands for!

Our bodies were designed by God, who made it to be Whole and BEAUTIFUL....We were made in HIS image (Genesis 1:27)  When people cut, they dishonor God.  It is with our body that we are to serve and glorify the Lord. (1 Corinthians 9:19-20)

As Christians, we are to be motivated by God's standards that He has set for us.  Honoring God with our bodies is a sign that we accept Him.  As His children, we recognize our bodies belong to Him and tha we should desire to keep them Holy (set apart, separated or distinct) for HIs will for our lives. 

Back in History, cutting was  major sign of ritual mourning.  It was also practiced in magic.  It was used as a way to gain control over people's emotions and thier gods tha hey looke to.  In other words, it was manipulation used for the purpose of getting thier own way.

How does cutting affect you?

Cutting attracts demons.  Because you're hurting, you open your heart to the pain and "release" your feelings when you cut.  This is very dangerous because you open yourself to the wrong spirit. How? It is like offering your feelings to an unseen force.  When cutting while calling out for help, the spirit realm is more than willing to answer, but will only bring you into further bondage. I had a friend who let this bring her to her death.  She grew up in a Christian home and had a supporting family but she was dealing with a lot of pain and struggling a lot. She felt she had no one to talk to, so she started to cut thinking it would help, but then she slipped into drugs and alcohol and it just made things worse for her.  She lost hope.  She lost her vision of God.  She quit going to church, she just quit everything.  One day she decided to end her life.  She was pregnant at the time with twins and she lost one baby.  They were able to save the other one.  But she was loosing a lot of blood and they couldn't save her. She was able to repent and talk to her pastor before her death.  Don't let the devil tell you that you have no worth or fill your head with lies. Don't bottle things up to someone.  You have an enemy who wants to kill you, that's Satan. (John 10:10) But you also have a friend, who loves you.  His name is Jesus!  Psalm 139 says He knew you while you were in your mother's womb.  He KNEW you!  He's the One who wrote all the days of your life in a special book, which He has in HIs hands.  The things written there are His plans for your life.  The only requirement you need to know the plans He has for yoy is for you to ask Him to be your Lord and Savior and let Him lead and guide your footsteps.  Jesus died on the cross for you!  He LOVES you!  He's more than enough reason to stay alive! 

John 15:13

     No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends. (Amplified Version)

If you haven't recieved Christ into your life and would like to, just ask Him to come in and cleanse you from your sins and ask Him to be Lord of your life....and read your Bible.  If you don't have one and would like one, we will do our best to provide one for you.  If you would like to talk to someone about things, we're here for you.  Send us your number to or and we will be glad to call you and give you our number as well.  We're here to support you in any way.



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