Find Comfort In God-ALONE
I know I've already posted a topic earlier, but I decided to post this one as well, seeing tomorrow we start on a new topic (cutting). I hope that these messages on depression have helped someone along the way....
2 Corinthians 1:4
Who comforts (consoles and encourages) us in EVERY trouble (calamity and affliction), so that we may also be able to comfort (console and encourage) those who are in any kind of trouble or distress, with the comfort (consolation and encouragement) with which we ourselves are comforted (consoled and ecouraged) by God. (Amplifed Version)
Here at ARISE MINISTRIES, like I said in our last post, have gone through a lot in this life. In fact, everyone has gone through a tough time at some point in our lives. We were/are encouraged to encourage others. We were/are comforted to comfort others.
How many of you feel that NO ONE cares about you? How many of you are struggling with life? Have you lost a loved one recently? Are you batteling with depression? Do you feel like you can't find that special someone or something to comfort you in times of need?? You may have tried loving someone to overcome things and its gotten you nothing but heartache.... Have you turned to drugs and alcohol to ease your pain? That will NOT comfort you, it's only brings more trouble and more heartache in the end. It's a temporary high and can eventually lead to trouble, health problems, and so much more. You may thinking, then what do I do, Minda? Where do I turn? No one cares about one takes the time to listen to me, no one loves me!!!! Well there is someone who does care about you, in fact He LOVES you! Jesus Christ loved us so much that He died on a cross for us. And of course, we care for you and I'm sure others do as well. But even if your friends and family don't care, Jesus Christ does! He is the ONLY One who can comfort us when we need it.
Maybe you've been hurt or mistreated? Maybe you've been disappointed? Maybe you're experiencing a change in your life, and it's hard to deal with? Maybe you've failed in some way? Maybe your just tired? Whatever you may be facing, God wants to help you by comforting you when you need it.
For instance, going to share a personal story here, my Senior year, my mom passed away. I was heartbroken. I needed someone to comfort me, my family tried, but nothing they did comforted me. I was about to give up completely, and I even said to myself, I'm not going to go to church anymore after tonight. When that night at church, I felt such a burning inside me to cry, I was drawn to the altar and I cried and cried and cried out to God. It was like God put His loving arms all around me and comforted me. I felt Him right there, right beside me holding me and telling me "Your mom's not in pain anymore. Peace..." From that night on I've turned to God for comfort. Now I'm not saying that I didn't have trouble after that night, but God's helped me. I've turned to men and women of God for advice and comfort but thier advice, encouragement, and comfort could never ever compare to God's!
The Holy Spirit is actually called the "COMFORTER" (John 14:26) He's a part of God. He IS GOD! NO confusion there, trust me....don't let that interfere or discourage you from reading any further. GOD IS EVERYTHING WE NEED! As a friend of mine says, "Enough said". His various names describe His character. He's willing to do a lot for us if we are willing to let Him. We have to ask HIm, He promises to comfort us and so much more!
God will allow people to do only a certain amount for us. Even those people who are extremely clost os u can't give us everything we need all the time. When we expect others to do for us what only God can do, we have our expectations in the wrong place, and we will always be disappointed.
No comfort is as good as God's! People can never give us what we really need unless God Himself uses other people to reach us, which He often does! We here at ARISE MINISTRIES will help you in any way that we can, but I'm going to say this, We can only do so much, but GOD, on the other hand, can do OH SO MUCH MORE!!!! But if you need us to help you we are here for you, just email us and we'll be glad to give you numbers or you can give us yours and we'll be there for you in prayer and we will do what we can....
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