Isaiah 54:4- Fear NOT, for you shall NOT be ashamed; neither be confounded and depressed, for you shall not be put to shame. For you shall FORGET the shame of your youth, and you shall not [seriously] remember the reproach of your widowhood any more. (Amplified Version)
Are you rooted in shame???
Many people are "rooted" in shame. This means that their shame is too deep that it functions as the root of a tree and it actually produces "fruit" in the form of unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. If you are rooted in shame, you need to be aware that shame is very different from guilt. Shame is a deeper problem than guilt is. We may feel guilty over something we have done wrong, but shame makes us feel bad about who we are. There is also a difference between "nomral" shame and "rooted" shame.
For example, if you're in a restraunt and you knock over your glass of water or soda, you start to feel ashamed or embarrased because you made a mess in front of everyone. That's normal. But you usually adjust to the situation and move on. You forget about what happened at the restraunt. That incident doesn't mar or scar you for life, right?
In the Garden of Eden, after the fall, Adam and Eve were ashamed when they sinned and realized that they were naked, and so they made clothes from fig leaves to cover themselves. But that too was a normal reaction.
When we make mistakes or commit sin, we feel bad for a while until we repent and are forgiven....when we repent, we must sincerely mean it and turn away from that sin and God is faithful and just to forgive us...
1 John 1:9- If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continually] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everythng not in conformity to HIs will in purpose, thought and action]. (Amplified Version)
Then that means, we must put our past where it the past...not the present and the future...the past....When we truly repent, with a humble and sincere heart, God forgives us of that sin, and He does something a little more, He doesn't remember it!
Micah 7:18-19- Who is a God like You, Who forgives iniquity and passes over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He retains not His anger forever, because He delights in mercy and loving-kindness. He will again have compassion on us; He iwll subdue and tread underfoot our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. (Amplified Version)
If God forgets our sin, and He doesn't remember it when we truly repent....why should we keep dragging it up???? Sometimes, we blame Satan, we give him too much credit really. Most times it's us ourselves that brings it up. We must focus our attention on God's forgiveness instead of what we've done....
When an individual is rooted in shame, it affects their entire life. They have a bad attitude toward themselves and they poison everything that they try to accomplish. They feel doomed to failure and they have no confidence.
Jesus bore all our shame for us on the cross. The curse and power of shame can be broken off through the power of God and Him sending His Son to die for that shame. He took our shame and our blame on the cross. He doesn't want us to go around carrying it anymore when He's already taken care of it! We are FREE FROM SHAME!!!
God has promised that He will pour out a twofold blessing on our lives. We will gain double what we feel we lost in our past. For example, Job, in the Bible....lost everything he had, but in the end he recieved much more back than he had at the beginning.
We must take a stand upon God's Word! We must become rooted and grounded in God----NOT in our shame of the things we've done or said, or had done or said to us in the past. We must focus on God and know that He has a plan for our future!
Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. (Amplified Version)
We must focus on God and know that He loves us!
God can heal our minds, hearts, hurts, etc. All we have to do is ASK Him. He sent His Son Jesus to die for us. He came to heal the broken hearted, cleanse the sinner, and so much more! God is our Father! He loves us!
My dad, is one of the most amazing men in my life. I love him so much! I'm so glad God sent him to be my dad....but anyway. When I was younger, I would fall down a lot. I would scrape my knee, get a boo boo and my daddy would "make it all better". Even when I would get myself into trouble, with loving hands, he would discipline me. At the time, I felt he was totally "unfair". But now that I'm an adult, I know that the things he did, he did because he loved me and it was for my good and to teach me things in life. God's the same way. What He does, He does in love for us.
You might be thinking, my dad NEVER care what I did. He doesn't love me. He may not have cared about you or loved you. But there's ONE that has ALWAYS loved you! He created you! He's ALWAYS there for you! He ALWAYS will be!
HE will turn your sorrow into joy.
Give you beauty for ashes.
Give you a garment of praise instead of heaviness.
Give you honor instead of Shame!
(you can find this in Isaiah 61:1-3)
We MUST DECLARE and be DETERMINED that we are going to reject the roots of bitterness, shame, negativism, and pefectionism, and instead nourish and grow the roots of joy, peace, love, and power!
By faith, draw the bloodline of Jesus Christ across your life and boldly DECLARE that you are HEALED from the pains and wounds of your past! Declare you have beeen SET FREE from your past to live a new life of wealth and wholeness! STOP blaming yourself and feeling guilty, unworthy, and unloved! Instead say, "If God is FOR me, who can be against me? God loves me, and I love myself. Praise the Lord, I am FREE in Jesus' Name!"
If you haven't accepted Christ into your life yet, I want to give you the opportunity. Pray this prayer and mean it from your heart:
"Dear Jesus,
I come to you right now, I confess all my sins to You. I confess that You are Lord and that You died on the cross for all sin. I invite You to come into my life and reign in me and help me on this journey in life. Help me be all that You created me to be. I thank You Lord for loving me and accepting me as I am. Now I'm asking You to help me become the person You want me to be and not who I want to be. In Jesus' Name, AMEN!"
If you prayed that prayer, I would love to talk with you and help you on your can email me at
Now some of you may be struggling. You've accepted Christ, but you still can't get where God wants you to be. Just ask Him to help you. He's there for you. If you would like for me to pray with you, you too can email me at and I would be glad to pray and talk with you. I don't like to give my phone number over FB so, just send me an email and I would be glad to call you or give you my number so you can me....
God Bless,
MaLinda (AKA Minda)
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