Keep Your Balance
1 Peter 5:6-8
Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you. Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. Be well balanced (temperate, sobor of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in feirce hunger], seeking somone to seize upon and devour. (Amplified Version)
Maintaining balance in ALL things is very important! If we don't, we open a door to Satan, who roams around to devour us.
In order to develop a balanced, healthy, God-centered self-image, incorporate the thoughts below into the way you think about yourself. In fact, print them out or write them down. I found this in my Bible by Joyce Meyer "The Everyday Life Bible" and I, myself try to read this everyday to remind myself that I am made in the Image of God and He loves me just the way I am! I hope this helps at least one person. I know it's helped me A LOT!!
1. I KNOW God CREATED me and He LOVES me!
2. I have faults and weaknesses, and I WANT to change. I BELIEVE God is WORKING on me, I can still ENJOY life and myself.
3. Everyone has faults, so I AM NOT A FAILURE just because I am not perfect.
4. I am GOING TO WORK WITH GOD to OVERCOME my weaknesses, but I REALIZE that I will ALWAYS have something to deal with; therefore, I will NOT become discouraged when GOD convicts me of areas of my life that need improvement.
5. I WANT to make people HAPPY and have them like me, but my sense of worth is NOT dependant upon what others think of me. Jesus has already affirmed my value by His willingness to die for me!
6. I will NOT be controlled by what other people think, say or do. Even if they totally reject me, I WILL SURVIVE! God has promised never to reject me or condemn me as long as I KEEP BELIEVING. (John 6:29)
7. NO matter how often I fail, I will NOT GIVE UP because God is WITH me and HE SUSTAINS me. He has PROMISED to NEVER leave me or forsake me. (Hebrews 13:5)
8. I LIKE myself. I don't like everything that I do, and I WANT to CHANGE---but I REFUSE to reject myself.
9. I AM RIGHT WITH GOD---THROUGH JESUS CHRIST!!! I have TURNED my life over to Him and have SINCERELY AND HUMBLY repented of my sins and have accepted Him as Lord and Savior in my life.
10. God has a plan for my life. (Jeremiah 29:11). I am GOING to fulfill my destiny that God has set for me and be all I can be for His glory alone. I have God-given gifts and talents, and I intend to use them to glorify God alone and to help others.
11. I am NOTHING, YET I AM EVERYTHING!!! In myself I am nothing, and yet in Jesus, I am everything I need to be!
We should maintain balance in our self-image as well as work and rest, eat a balanced diet, never spend more than we earn, and enjoy people but also have solitude. Although we want to please people and have their approval, we must put God and His Will first in our lives at ALL times.
If we don't maintain balance in our lives, Satan will take advantage of the door we have opened. Check your life and if you find areas that are out of balance, ask God to help you make whatever adjustments that need to be made.
And as always, if you need someone to help on this journey, we are here for you at Arise Ministries. We love each and everyone of you who take the time to read these and even the ones that don't. We want to reach others for Christ and help them turn their lives around. You can contact us at and we will get back to you either by email or include your phone number in the email and we will gladly give you a call. We will help in any way that we can. May God bless you all today and this weekend. We will be praying and believing that God moves in a mighty way in your lives.
God Bless,
This was one of the most moving things i have ever read. I am probably a minus instead of a plus on all of these and i know i need to change. I thank God for placing this in my life today and showing me that i need to change. Blessings in Christ today and this weekend.